How to maximise opportunities for children at risk of exclusion?

The rising of inequality, the impact of the crisis and people’s movements has raised the risk of poverty and marginalisation among children in Europe. Children at risk are persons under 18 who experience an intense and/or chronic risk factor, or a combination of risk factors in personal, environmental and/or relational domains that prevent them from pursuing and fulfilling their potential. An at-risk youth is a child who is less likely to transition successfully into adulthood.

The Accelerating Change for Social Inclusion project will focus on finding proven innovations that maximise the opportunities of generally all excluded children and children at risk of social exclusion. 

A knowledge centre that engages young people under state care in the design and management of social programmes and organisations that directly affect them, through facilitating their participation as expert evaluators and lobbyists for change.
A one-stop-shop service and hub of resources for youth at risk of exclusion, managed by the municipality, where young people can go for assistance relating to education, housing, health, entrepreneurship and other issues.
A programme that provides youth from low-income communities with holistic support to graduate from high school and move on to post-secondary education, training, or employment with the aim of breaking the cycle of poverty.
An evidence-based emotional literacy programme that brings babies into the classroom during regular school hours to improve empathy and reduce violence among children from ages 5 to 12.
A mentoring project that connects children from disadvantaged backgrounds with university and college students who act as mentors, offering personalised attention that helps participants realise their potential and increase their motivation.
A model of neighbourhood-based holistic early childhood centres that provide children and families with better opportunities for educational success by prioritising the baby’s point of view, parent and community engagement.
United States
An organisation that aims to improve mental health and social outcomes among at-risk youth by using hip-hop and other youth cultural forms as catalysts for positive change and development.
United States
An extra-curricular learning programme that centralizes the local offer and engages children aged 5 to 14 in order that they develop different interests and skills through participation in diverse activities.
United Kingdom
An educational project that creates learning environments for children in vulnerable social situations, such as extreme poverty or forced displacement, using a learner-centred pedagogical model and in coordination with the formal school system.
An organisation that hires University students or recent graduates to implement pedagogical projects that upgrade the education curriculum in elementary and high schools in order to engage and retain students.
A project offering after-school tutorial support, mentoring and career guidance for young people from the suburbs of large cities, that provides the necessary tools for their own learning and involves them as active agents of the institution.
South Africa
A network of college-preparatory public charter schools that equips underserved students with the knowledge, skills and character strengths needed to succeed in college and life by sharing best practices and a set of operating principles.
United States
An intensive, flexible, family and community-based treatment programme that addresses all environmental systems negatively affecting chronic and violent juvenile offenders’ behaviour to improve the quality of life for both them and their families.
United States
A professional guidance, training and accompaniment project that fosters the ability of vulnerable young people to make decisions and take action towards their sustainable socio-professional inclusion.
An organisation that aims to improve young care leavers' quality of life by connecting them with volunteer mentors and support resources in various complex aspects of their adult lives, such as emotional education and financial management.
