An employer-led, youth-focussed corporate coalition where national leaders, companies, entrepreneurs and foundations work in partnership to create more pathways to economic prosperity for opportunity youth and connect employers to the talent pipeline they seek. The coalition works closely with young people to help them find jobs and address the talent gap in the corporate sector. The group also works with member companies to better support young people.
Impact evidence
- 55 employers and 8 foundations support the initiative.
- In Dallas, about 2,000 Opportunity Youth attended the Opportunity Fair.
- Coalition companies made approximately 700 on-the-spot job offers.
- In August 2016, the initiative met its initial goal of hiring 100,000 young people.
- In Dallas, more than 60% of interviews resulted in job offers.
The initiative has three main components: - Corporate coalition. A learning community to drive effective practices around opportunity youth recruitment, retention and advancement. - Demonstration cities. Leveraging the Aspen Institute’s Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund to strengthen connections between employers and local workforce systems in a comprehensive strategy. - Catalytic events. City-focused events to engage business leaders, community leaders and opportunity youth. The Aspen Institute’s Forum for Community Solutions acts as an intermediary for the coalition in the participating cities. The Forum engages local community-based organisations in providing resources to opportunity youth and their support networks. The Initiative launches its efforts in each city with large-scale Opportunity Hiring Fairs.
Geographical scope